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Address:Mountain Lake, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Industrial Park

The telephone number:0575-87689566


Mail box:by@zhenzhu.com

Web site: www.byzhenzhu.com

Postal Code: 311800

Al:XuChengJun department

Company account: industrial and commercial bank of China

Unit name: zhuji city treasure pearl Co., LTD

Public account: 6222 0212 1101 5355 102

Name: XuChengGen

Quality specifications:

1, the web site of the AAA level for pearl of the highest level, pearl surface gloss, immaculate;

2, the web site of Assyria AA pearl, pearl surface gloss is good, have a small amount WeiXia;

3, the web site of A level of pearls, pearl luster is good, have the surface flaw, A shallow thread;

4, the web site of Assyria grade B pearl, pearl surface gloss general

Retail price for the mall site

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Description: China's largest freshwater pearl market thirty years change course

更新时间:2011.08.10 News Sources:www.byzhenzhu.com 点击:
Back in the 1960s, two researchers Su-hu in Jiangsu stop the artificial propagation of freshwater pearls experiments.
In 1965, the original discussion of the artificial fish Wuxian Taihu Pearl cultivation success in the late sixties and early seventies in Weitang large-scale implementation.
Since then, Suzhou Wei Tong as the "birthplace of freshwater pearls."
At the same time many people start the application Wei Tong Yang river and creek fish pond mussel pearl and pearl Weitang constitutes "big, light, bright, round" feature, much foreign jewelers pro-gaze, attracted by swarms of buyers is the region.
In November 1984, Wei Tong, Yong along the village investment of $ 1,500, suspension of the original three warehouse renovation and new huts, built China's first pearl trade market.
In 1995 the market was officially named as the original Pearl China Pearl City, by the famous scholar Fei personal title.
1994-1996 three-year trading volume in China arrived in Pearl City, a record high, showing a
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