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Address:Mountain Lake, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Industrial Park

The telephone number:0575-87689566


Mail box:by@zhenzhu.com

Web site: www.byzhenzhu.com

Postal Code: 311800

Al:XuChengJun department

Company account: industrial and commercial bank of China

Unit name: zhuji city treasure pearl Co., LTD

Public account: 6222 0212 1101 5355 102

Name: XuChengGen

Quality specifications:

1, the web site of the AAA level for pearl of the highest level, pearl surface gloss, immaculate;

2, the web site of Assyria AA pearl, pearl surface gloss is good, have a small amount WeiXia;

3, the web site of A level of pearls, pearl luster is good, have the surface flaw, A shallow thread;

4, the web site of Assyria grade B pearl, pearl surface gloss general

Retail price for the mall site

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Wear pearl jewelry What are the benefits ?

更新时间:2012.04.15 News Sources:http//www.byzhenzhu.com 宝亿珍珠有限公司 点击:
Ancient times, there have been some in sweet bursa, contain the decorations of traditional Chinese medicine), and later as some in about a health care function to the body decorations of records. Pearl, a symbol of the complete, happiness and prosperity, it contains calcium carbonate, cao, calcium phosphate, and magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium and other various elements and ten kinds of amino acids, on medicine has to tranquilize the nerves, heat can benefit Yin, improving eyesight detoxification, born the action such as muscle convergent. We compare common pearl jewelry have necklaces, earrings, bracelets style, now, the pearl is not only a simple beautiful jewelry, it also became the health care the treasures, pearl powder health care function is well known, the use of pearl as decorations, have bright eye, yangxin role, and because the pearl ?

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