Zhuji Pearl Co., Ltd. www.byzhenzhun.com Baoyi professional pearl necklace, pearl pendants, pearl rings, pearl bracelets, pearl earrings, pearl earrings, pearl jewelry, freshwater pearl wholesale, welcome to inquire order.。
Address:Mountain Lake, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Industrial Park
The telephone number:0575-87689566
Mail box:by@zhenzhu.com
Web site: www.byzhenzhu.com
Postal Code: 311800
Al:XuChengJun department
Company account: industrial and commercial bank of China
Unit name: zhuji city treasure pearl Co., LTD
Public account: 6222 0212 1101 5355 102
Name: XuChengGen
Quality specifications:
1, the web site of the AAA level for pearl of the highest level, pearl surface gloss, immaculate;
2, the web site of Assyria AA pearl, pearl surface gloss is good, have a small amount WeiXia;
3, the web site of A level of pearls, pearl luster is good, have the surface flaw, A shallow thread;
4, the web site of Assyria grade B pearl, pearl surface gloss general
Cure and raise colour-treasure pearl powder更新时间:2011.09.12 News Sources:Zhuji city treasure pearl Co., LTD 点击:
珍珠吊坠-诸暨市宝亿珍珠有限公司 珠圆玉润、细腻浑圆的珍珠,古今中外都被人们视为装饰品,常被用来做成项链、耳坠、胸花、戒指等,惹人喜欢。其实,用珍珠做装饰品,不只美化生活,还可颐养肌肤,防治疾病。中医以为,珍珠味甘、咸、寒,入心、肝经,有平肝潜阳、镇心安神、清热化痰、去翳明目、解毒生肌等作用。主治惊悸、癫痫、惊风、失眠、头痛等症,对上呼吸道充血、口腔炎症、肺病咯血等症也有效;外用滴眼可治疗角膜云翳;外敷治疗烧伤、创伤、疮疡等;涂面部有润泽皮肤、除汗斑作用。一些常用中成药如六神丸、安宫牛黄丸中都用有珍珠。 关注宝亿新闻动态,时辰关注美容指导。 |
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